- Sold in 1,200 ft. spool
- Break strength 9,000 lbs.
- High strength & economical
- Low stretch
- Sold In Bulk 600 ft. Spool
- Min. Break Strength 10,693 lbs.
- 35% Stronger Than Polypropylene
- Excellent UV & Abrasion Resistance
- Lightweight & Floats
In Stock- Ships Within 1-2 Days
- Sold in 600 ft. spool
- Break strength 5,750 lbs.
- Easy to splice & handle
- Won’t mold, rot or mildew
- For 9/16" Rope
- WLL 2,200 lbs.
- S.S. T316 with Bearing
- Precision Cast & Stamped
- WLL 1,500 lbs.
- S.S. T316
- Precision Cast Load Rated
- Sold per 600 ft. Spool
- Break strength 5,600 lbs.
- Strong & lightweight
- Floats
In Stock- Ships Within 1-2 Days
- Sold in 600 ft. spool
- Break strength 1,490 lbs.
- UV & abrasion resistant
- Excellent shock absorption
- Won't mold, rot or mildew
- Sold in Continuous ft. Length
- Extra Improved Plow Steel
- Break Strength 396,000 lbs.
- 7/32" max cutting
- Crimp oval sleeves 1/16", 3/32", 1/8", 5/32", 3/16"
- Crimp stop sleeves 1/16", 3/32", 1/8", 5/32", 3/16", 7/32"
- Swiss Made Precision
- High-Strength Blades
- Triangular Cutting Action
- Overall Length 13"/325mm
- Capacity 1/4" Steel Cable
- For 1/4″ Cable
- S.S. T316 Precision Cast
- Swage End Included
- WLL 600 lbs.
- S.S. T316
- Secure Closure
- Spring Loaded
- Sold In Bulk 600 ft. Spool
- Min. Break Strength 12,103 lbs.
- 35% Stronger Than Polypropylene
- Excellent UV & Abrasion Resistance
- Lightweight & Floats