- Sold in 1,200 ft. spool
- Break strength 4,900 lbs.
- Superior abrasion resistance
- Very high strength with low weight to dia. ratio
- Soft eyes, hard eyes & thimbles available
In Stock- Ships Within 24 Hours
- Sold in 1,000 ft. spool
- Break strength 827 lbs.
- Resistant to abrasion & mildew
- Good UV resistance
- WLL 520 lbs.
- S.S. T316
- Precision cast with captive pin
In Stock- Ships Within 1-2 Days
- Sold in 600 ft. spool
- Break strength 2,700 lbs.
- High strength & economical
- Low stretch
- Min. Break Strength 4,468 lbs.
- Sold in 600 ft. Spool
- High abrasion resistance
- High strength & low stretch
- Min. Break Strength 3,440 lbs.
- Sold in 600 ft. spool
- High abrasion resistance
- High strength & low stretch